Where Do I Go From Here?
Jamie Redmond Jamie Redmond

Where Do I Go From Here?

The question isn’t where do I want to be. It’s more how do I get there from here? I know where I want to be….but there is this big ugly gap full of the unknown (and possibly nervous breakdowns... and dragons, or something unexpected and silly like that) between where I am today and where I want to be.

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Dropping Off Some Baggage and Starting Fresh
Jamie Redmond Jamie Redmond

Dropping Off Some Baggage and Starting Fresh

*** I wrote this post at the turn of the new year…and then I sat on it for a while. It contains some personal notes, some Animal Tales notes and a whole lot of gratitude. Now that I am finished with my self-imposed social media sabbatical I am coming back to this post as a great place to share my thoughts and hopes for 2018. ***

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I Was Gone For a While, Here is Why…
Jamie Redmond Jamie Redmond

I Was Gone For a While, Here is Why…

•••You may have noticed that I’ve been really quiet for a while: not updating my blog or Facebook or anything about The Animal Tales. I really wanted to say something, to tell you what was going on and that I’d be back—I just needed a minute (or a handful of months)

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